
Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Penggunaan Sastra Inggris di SMP (English)


1.1  Background
Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System Chapter IV Article 10 states that the Government and Local Government reserves the right to direct, guide, and supervise the implementation of education in accordance with legislation and regulations. Furthermore, Article 11 Paragraph (1) also states that the Government and Local Government to provide services and facilities, and ensure implementation of quality education for every citizen without discrimination. With the inception of Act No. 32 of 2004 on Regional Government, local government authority in the organization of education in the region becomes increasingly large. The birth of both the law marks a new system in the administration of education than centralized systems tend to become more decentralized.
Curriculum as one of the substance of education need to be decentralized, especially in developing the syllabus and its implementation are tailored to the demands of the needs of students, state schools, and the condition of the school or district. Thus, school or district has sufficient authority to design and determine the subject matter / learning, learning development activities, and assessment of learning outcomes.
Many things need to be prepared by the area because most of the policies relating to the implementation of the National Education Standards implemented by the school or district. Schools should develop educational curriculum unit level (SBC), which consists of unit-level educational objectives of education, structure and charge of SBC, education calendar, and syllabus by doing the translation and adjustment Content Standards defined by No game. 22 of 2006 and Graduates Competency Standards set by No game. 23 of 2006
In the Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 on National Education Standards explained:
Schools and school committees, or madrassa and the committee madrasah, develop curriculum and educational unit level silabusnya ¬ basic framework based curriculum and competency standards under supervision Education Service District is responsible to education for elementary, junior high, high school, and vocational , and the Ministry in charge of governmental affairs in the field of religion for the MI, MTs, MA, and MAK (Article 17 Paragraph 2)
Planning the learning process includes the syllabus and learning implementation plan that includes at least the purpose of learning, teaching materials, teaching methods, learning resources, and assessment of learning outcomes (Article 20)
Based on the foregoing, or school district has broad latitude to make modifications and develop variations organization of education in accordance with the circumstances, potential, and regional needs, as well as the condition of students. For the purposes above, it is necessary to guide the development of a syllabus for each subject, for the school district or no difficulty.

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